Those are very good instructions. I have done a few of my own and the results are great. The only change I would make is how you cut the existing seal. Using a single razor blade with vice grips is very hard. I went to a 1.5" putty knife that was sharpened on one edge, and used a hammer to drive it along the seal. This too a very long time so I used a vibrating multi tool, with the knife cutter blade. this made a great difference in time and effort required. I also marked the outside of the panes with a felt tipped marker, as to the moving panes, the top, and the outside. I took pictures as I was disassembling, to I could get them back together right, the first time. I also went to using 3M windshield adhesive instead of the CRL, as it is made for auto glass that is under stress most of the time. The actual super spacer seal had a descant in it that adsorbs moisture. If you have some left over, be sure to return it to the original packaging and seal it against air entry, as it will deplete the descant. MontainAir05 give me help on getting the super seal, and some instructions on redoing the windows. If you are a DYI guy, it is very doable.
Good luck