Thorley used to sell a rubberised gasket that is very good. Might be able to find them at Doug's headers. As far as getting the bolts out, you can spray with Kroil, which is a hair better than PB Blaster. Or mix Acetone and ATF. I found when removing the bolts, I set my impact on the lowest setting, and just let it bang away lightly till the bolts came out. I had only sprayed them the day before, and was just messing around with the impact. I figured on the lowest setting, I wasn't going to break anything, so I just figured I would see what would happen. Much to my amazement, every single bolt came out. I had not planned on really getting into that project yet, but when the bolts started coming out with out much trouble, I kept going. I think there is something to be said for low impact persistent banging on the bolt till it comes out.