Forum Discussion

kenbert's avatar
May 03, 2021

Exhaust Manifold

I am in the process of replacing my exhaust manifold and have a few broken studs in the Head.I tried welding a nut on the stud and using an easy out, all failed.

I was able to drill them through and will nut and bolt them. Has anyone done this, was wondering if this is OK. The engine is a 5.9 Cummins 12V.
  • Thanks for the replies, but like I said in my post I tried eveything so my question was has anyone used a nut and bolt once the hole is drilled out. I am able to get a nut on the back of the mounting ear on the head but am worried that doing this might crack the ear.
  • Tom/Barb wrote:
    Next use nickel anti seize.


    Ceramic and graphite also work. Nickel and ceramic are the only 2 I'll use. Using the copper based stuff is just like welding it in. Want to ask me how I know. :B
  • I work on old tractors a lot. A trick a guy taught me was to first weld a flat washer to the broken bolt, then weld a bolt on. It works well.

    The other thing I do with exhaust manifold bolts is try all the bolts and loosen the ones that come quite easily. Then get the engine as warm as possible before trying the hard ones. Sometimes a little heat before loosening, saves a lot of aggravation after.
  • As long as you can get them out. Had it happen many times on Gas engines. About the only way to get them out.