teeznu wrote:
To those that responded to the ISL 400 8.9L diesel crank case filter reply.
This year the ISL 400 Crank Case filter is a "One piece" filter/housing. I picked it up at Cummins Salt Lake City UT. Just a mere $371.47 cents. (just a wee bit of an OUCH)
The hard part was getting to the top of the engine, going down thru the bedroom floor and one of the screws to the metal cover was under the bed. (****)
Now, for those of you who "dare" to take this simple-easy-rewarding task on, here's the deal. The housing comes apart! The "filter" comes out. You can buy the filter at 4 States Trucking (Joplin, MO) for a mere 90.99 cents. Free shipping on orders over $100.00 so I picked up and oil filter for 30 bucks. Bingo.
Since this is very valuable information and to help pay for the original filter ($371.47) just send me 5 dollars and we'll call it even.
Have fun!
Is the CC filter any thing like
this filter? GRIN
Do I get ½ of the $5?