Forum Discussion

Butch50's avatar
Nov 02, 2016

Crank out frameless windows question

For the folks that have crank out frameless windows do you have problems with them opening while traveling down the road?

I have them in our new MH and we hit some pretty heavy winds this last trip and I happened to look back on the driver side and one of the windows had came open. Now you ask did we leave it open when we took off. The answer is no we didn't. I had checked all the windows and even tried the crank on them to make sure they were tight. My wife checked them also. If it had been open when we left I would have noticed it as I check my side mirrors for open luggage doors, we have had a little trouble with them staying closed even when locked and it is heading back to the manufacturer for this and some other items. So while I check the storage doors I also give a glance up the sides for open windows.

The wind was clipping along pretty good and I thought we were going to loose some windows as they were bowing out in the centers when we got a hard gust. We traveled for 5500 miles on this trip and had wind every swinging day. Some days not real strong and others that when I walked around the MH I thought it was going to knock me down.

  • I'm sorry I wasn't clear. Once I found that the windows opened during travel, I made sure to close them tightly. As a result, they do not open by themselves during travel. So I don't have that issue any more.
  • LI-Camper wrote:
    When I first got my MH the windows did open up, but since I found this, I make sure I close them tightly and that hasn't happened again.

    Found what?
  • When I first got my MH the windows did open up, but since I found this, I make sure I close them tightly and that hasn't happened again.
  • I have the frameless windows and am not a fan. The larger windows on the front of my coach bow when driving at highway speed and have worked themselves loose once or twice. Not fully open but about a 1/4" or so. The noise from them is my main complaint. They are very noisy at highway speeds. My wife actually stripped out the cranking mechanism on one of them trying to stop it from rattling open.

    Also any window that has not been opened for a while tends to stick to the window gasket and get stuck. i have to pull the window open from the outside while someone cranks on the window to prevent the crank from stripping out again.

    The look of the windows are very nice but other than that i do not like them.
  • I had the windows cranked down tightly. Like I said the wind was blowing pretty good. There are no latches on the windows just friction of the crank down.

    I well figure out some type of locking device to keep them from opening.

    On my storage doors they are closed and locked. I always walk around and give them all a tug to make sure they are latched and locked and it is a pretty good tug that I give them. They are all latched and locked securely but they seem to still open at times. This are big bus style doors that swing out and some of them are over 40" long and when they swing out it becomes a traffic hazard. I pulled up to a construction area one time and had just looked at my storage doors prior to this and all were closed. There was a concrete barrier at this location. I was watching the light signal for me to go and thank goodness for a good Samaritan in a pickup up behind me as his passenger jumped out and ran up an closed the door for me. This saved me from ripping it off on the barrier. I have now used bungee cords on the inside of the some doors to keep the from opening all the way if they come unlatched.
  • If they have latches, the windows should not open no matter what the wind pressures. If just cranks holding them closed, it would be unusual for any expected wind pressure (i.e. highway speeds) to pull them open against a worm and sector mechanism if they have been closed tightly against the gaskets in their frames (frameless windows have frames, the glass just hides the frame).

    Luggage doors should not open if fully latched. The problem with some of the latching mechanisms is that you can lock them even if the latches did not engage.
  • We've got them in our 2016 Jayco. I've not had them pop open that I can recall, but I do snug them closed, fairly tight.