All things being equal on he condition of the coach, go with the ISL400.
If still looking, and wanting to compare this coach with the ISL400 to another one. Try to determine which ISL400 is in the 04 model. It could be the older, and very mature, CAPS era ISL. Or, it could be then newer Common Rail with VGT ISL. The newer Common Rail would be a nicer engine to have, especially if it coms with an Exhaust Brake vs Jake Compression (The ISL vs the ISC, can be found with Jake Compression 2 Stage brake assist. While most of them come with a Exhaust Brake assist.)
The Common Rail and Variable Compression Turbo (VGT) has a more usable HP/Torque curve, and in many applications, you get added Braking HP via the Vanes closing up in the VGT providing more back pressure to help the Exhaust Brake. (I may not have described that accurately, but the VGT does provide a bit more Braking HP, as I understand it.)
And as always, coach layout and overall condition, usually trumps the specifics of the engine:)!
Best of luck to you,