Forum Discussion

wannavolunteerF's avatar
Feb 17, 2017

Curbside or Streetside Kitchen?

As I am beginning to narrow down floorplans for my full-time MH, I see lots of Class A's have kitchen on Curbside. Seems to me that having view blocked on a large portion of that wall would be at cross purposed with looking out your windows.

those of you with the kitchen on curbside, do you find you miss looking out at your "own" patio? Do you enjoy looking out the windows at your neighbors (or your sewer hookup)?

I really think I would much prefer having kitchen on streetside (driver's side) and more windows on curbside/patio side. Is this something that is an issue?

I plan to full-time for a number of years. Right now, I prefer more rustic state park like sites, but know some places that may not be an option. Either way, wouldn't you want your best view from LR/DR to be out across your own patio?
  • Mile High wrote:

    some of the kitchen slides had carpet under them and when you stood in front of the sink you were half standing on the floor and half standing on a raised carpeted side of the slide. ...

    I have been looking at a lot of floor plans and have noticed that many driver's side kitchen have carpet in front of the kitchen cabinets, fridge and sink. In addition to the previous comment on standing in partially on the carpet and the tile floor, I also would think that there were be a problem with spills staining the carpet from the normal food preparation and clean-up.

    Floor plans with curb side kitchens normally do not have carpet in front of the cabinets.

    Of coarse, this does not apply to the 2016 and newer Newmar coaches with the tile slides(perhaps there are others), and my coach, which does not have any slides.
  • Who cares, what difference does it make? We've had six has been on both fine on either side. Kitchen location was not was a consideration in buying any of them.
  • my first two MHs had the curb side kitchen with the tiny window and tiny window in the door. my last one had the dinette there with large window and good visibility to the right.
  • That was somewhat important to us. Our dining is on the patio side and it is a very nice feature to have that view.

    Another thing my wife drew a line on, and it took me a while to figure out what she meant, was some of the kitchen slides had carpet under them and when you stood in front of the sink you were half standing on the floor and half standing on a raised carpeted side of the slide. It was actually awkward and once she showed me I noticed it. There were some brands she wouldn't even go in because of that.

    We all have our peeves I guess.
  • We have our kitchen on the streetside(drivers) haven't had it the other way, but I don't think I would want that either. I don't want a slide coming out over my patio area. We do sit curbside in our dinette and enjoy have the window to look out. I think that may also avoid having your refrigerator in a slide which I understand is vented differently so doesn't cool as efficiently.
  • Our kitchen is curb side. I would rather look out at my campsite than my neighbors hook ups. We have a very large window above the tv/ fireplace/ entertainment area, which is curb side also, next to the kitchen. I have a smaller window in the kitchen to look out also. So JMO, I would rather have it curbside.

    I enjoy the large windows behind our lazy boys, especially for more light while reading/ doing puzzles, etc.

    Edit to what doxiemom said... my residential fridge is on the drivers side, across from the kitchen, not in a slide, and we eat off tv trays in our lazy boys.

    Only you know what will work best for your lifestyle. That's why there are so many different floorplans.
  • Dont have a MH, but my fiver has the kitchen on the curb side. Does not bother us in the least. I was much more interested in a rear living room. We really like looking out the nice big picture window at the trees and critters.