I am always in awe of how they can give away so much money at the casinos and still afford all those lights and buildings.
On a serious note, take in a cirque du Soleil show or two. I still feel the original Vegas show at the TI, Mystere, is the one to see if you are only going to see one. But they are all fantastic.
Las Vegas morphs on a continual basis, and right now they are pushing the entertainment, which is better than pushing the "family" vacation as they did a few years ago. Personally, I miss when they pushed the gambling and if you were gambling, everything else was at your beckon call. Just be aware that the prices of yesteryear no longer exist. Rooms now cost, food now costs and everything else costs, unless you are a big player. The $2.99 buffet and $19.00 room are all but extinct.