Funny I was talking to freind about this at lunch today. Currently I own a highend Entegra Anthem prior to th at I had a Coachmen Sportcoach 376DS. The Entegra is amuch nicer coach but the Sportcoach was much simpler, never gave me any problems and had more than we needed. (Does one really need 4tv's, 3 ac units, , heated floor, dishcwasher, etc to go camping.)
People came to me and said " oh the coachmen is under powered, entry level" well I go skiing in Utah and Colorado everyyear and i was passing trucks etc and never felt
Under powered.AT ALL.
I'm sure I'll get flamed from otyer posters who mostly seem to think you got to buy top of the line but in my opinion the coachmen was a great coach and there are many things I mss about it.