Loren Ross,
I had that same burning smell on my rig a while back when we were about 20 minutes or so from the campground. We were able to make it OK, but when I got there and started doing some snooping & internet searching, it was obvious that the problem was the A/C compressor clutch had failed.
I think what might happen is that when the A/C is on and in demand, everything is fine, but when the compressor is supposed to disengage, the clutch is supposed to free-wheel, and THAT is where the problem lies. It doesn't free-wheel, it apparently binds and overheats. Or at least, that was the problem with mine.
I guess it might be the compressor about ready to go, too, though I'll admit I don't have enough experience with them to know if that is a mode of failure. Maybe letting it cool down helped so it worked upon restarting. The burning rubber smell is, to me, a definite sign that something was being made to work harder than it should.
If your motorhome is on a Workhorse Chassis, I can post some links which might be helpful for a solution. If it's on a Ford chassis, you'll have to rely on someone else for help.
Good Luck,