as teachers pet noted, his unit had a 30 foot line in the system. there is the main problem with using weights for recharging motorhome systems. the hoses are added by the manufacturers, and some have no idea how long they are. and they vary from model to model. so weight numbers supplied are a hit or miss situation.
if you have partial cooling, there is a 95% chance of no leak. just add some freon with a dye and check it with a uv light days later.
if there is a leak, repair it, evacuate the system, and recharge it, using the pressures as a guide. you can get a vacuum and the guages,at autozone on loan.
when the pressures are near what they should be, check the sight gauge if present. keep adding till it clears up, or the a/c cools to suit you.
i know this is a backyard mechanics approach, but is works for me, and i have used it with much success on all my coaches. just dont over do it with the freon. moderation in all things.
having said all this, most of you know that the dash air does a poor job of coolng the whole coach.
i use the generator and run the basement air on my meridian dp. it doesnt affect the mileage that much. no more than running the dash air. all of it takes fuel.