I'm sure this has been beat to death but, is it more efficient to run the dash air or to run the generator and one roof air.This is on a gas Ford v-10 and a 7000w Onan. Thanks for any input.
whatever keeps you cool, I have found that my dash ac is worthless I just run the generator and roof ac's and since I have gone to residential on the fridge every thing and everybody stays cold!
Someone mentioned maintenance cost for the generator to run the a/c The onan in my DP has 3400+ hours on it and so far has never failed. It get serviced once a year just like the DP. I run the basement a/c going down the road as well.
I am not an expert, but I would think that no one gets less than 5 miles to the gallon with the their generator running and no one gets greater than 8 miles to the gallon with their class A. On average, if most expect to get between 6-7 miles to the gallon with the generator running, you might as well turn those roof top AC's to max, your dash AC to max, and hang some meat. :)
One thing to consider is the maintenance costs for the generator, not just the fuel consumption. However, just be comfortable whatever it takes. If you have to pinch pennies that much, you can't afford a motorhome- period!
I run the dash ac on max cool mode and adjust the fan speed accordingly. I will next start the genie, and when it comes online, switch the roof ac "fan" from auto speed mode to high and set the roof ac stat to 70. If needed, I repeat step #2 for the rear roof ac. Keeps the process simple and efficient as you are cool and your giving the genie a workout which always preferred over letting it sit.
Works every time. Fuel consumption between 1/2-3/4 GPH. BTW, you have a rv fridge, the genie also lets you run it on ac instead of lp.
For my configuration it's a wash on fuel consumption while the roof air wins in over all cooling capacity. Normally I'll run the dash air as long as I can before bringing the generator on line.
My dash air can typically keep up with the two front seats, but in this heat lately through that big windshield I've had to kick on the gen and use the roof airs. I don't think roof air would do much for the cab without the cab air running with it.
I would like to say I run all 3 on the roof, but to date I've yet to get all 3 to work at the same time since we bought it a few months ago :)
We do whatever is required to be comfortable. If the dash air does it that's all we have on. If it is 100 plus degrees we will probably have everything going. If I really needed to know what was the most economical I would not be traveling in a motor home.