Anything that contains ANY percentage of Petroleum Distillates will destroy and remove the vinyl graphics "Plasticizers", compounds that keep the vinyl supple and protcted from UV (sun) damages. Then decals will curl, crack and peal.
You CAN NOT REVERSE the damage to the decals.
Never wax the decals. Use 303 Aerospace or Protect-all...both are at Camping World. Somtimes small bottles at WalMart.
Armor All contains Ether and Isopropyl Alcohol, both destroy vinyl and the adhesives. Anything that contains ANY percentage of Petroleum Distillates will destroy and remove the vinyl graphics "Plasticizers", compounds that keep the vinyl supple and protcted from UV (sun) damages. Then decals will curl, crack and peal.
Never wax the decals. Use ONLY 303 Aerospace or Protect-all. SAFE STUFF!
Armor All contains Ether and Isopropyl Alcohol, both destroy vinyl and the adhesives.
My Jayco is now almost 9 years old...looks brand new. The tires are uncracked, the vinyl is smooth and unfaded, the plastics are pristine.
303 is Amazing. Use it sparingly...I wet a rag with it and wipe it on. Keeps tires from cracking too.
Good luck!