Don8ch wrote:
rr2254545 wrote:
As a retired accountant I find it strange that so much focus is on the cost of DEF
In the past 3143 miles I have spent just over $60 for 4 2 1/2 gal containers.
This is just under 2 cents a mile
I will focus on getting better mileage not on my DEF use
I am also a retired accountant therefore I focus on all costs. ;)
Actually I'm just trying to keep life simple, like retirement is supposed to be, plus I'm trying to plan, in advance, for complications that are inevitably going to arise.
I agree. If it is either too stressful or too much of a pain just get the small jugs and pay the higher cost. Considering all the other costs of using a mh, this cost is a drop in the bucket. My semi and one farm tractor uses it. Semi is very little usage. Now the tractor is a different story. I buy it in 55 gallon drums and so far have used 3 drums this yr for the tractor. It is a heavy user of def. Unless your putting large amounts of miles on your mh it won't be much more to just buy the 2.5 containers.