Forum Discussion

moleary's avatar
Nov 13, 2017

DEF re-gen cycle frequency

We've owned our 2012 Winnebago Tour for 2 years and traveled roughly 15000 miles. We purchased it with 17000 miles. I have yet to experience a DEF re-gen cycle. Isn't there a dashboard light to notify that the cycle is occurring? Ninety percent of our travels are at interstate speeds and conditions(if that makes any difference). I thought it would have called for a re-gen at least once during this time.

Everything is running fine, just wondering why.
  • as stated in another post the DEF system does not regen but the diesel particulate filter (DPF) does. if the regen occurs when driving there is no effect on the engine operation and no indicator light unless the vehicles speed drops below about 7 mph during the regen then a high exhaust temp light will come on until the DPF and SCR catalyst cools down or the vehicle speed goes back up, if the high exhaust temp light is on it is a good idea to not shut the engine off until the light goes out. I am assuming it is probably a ISL cummins if it is next time you are in a cummins shop and they are plugged into the ECM ask them to print out the regen history, it might surprise you how often I happens.
  • Haven't seen a regen on mine yet (15,000 miles) but I love the MPG that these new diesels get. Seems to use abut 1.5 to 2% DEF but no Regens
  • Our 2008 Dynasty with the DPF seemed to 'regenerate' about every 10,000 miles (no DEF).

    Our current coach (DEF and DPF) has regenerated once in 40,000 miles around 30,000 miles that I have seen. As I recall, it lasted about 25 min.

    The service facility did force a regen once as I had an engine light come on which the computer showed that there was a DEF crystal stuck in the regen process. Otherwise, the regen's are not often.

  • I've never seen a regen indicator on mine. I've never seen it, but it sure drinks the DEF so I know it is happening.
  • DEF does not regen, the DPF does. The only vehicle i have owned that i knew was in regen was my 2011 GMC because the compass would stay on whatever direction i was going when it started.I believe you will only get a light when the DPF is near plugged and a regen is necassary to keep going otherwise it happens without you knowing.
  • We had an '11 Journey 40L (2007 complaint no DEF) for 75,000 miles without ever getting the indicator light. Only 5K on current RV but still no light.
  • My understanding is that the diesel particulate filter will not need regen if run above 1100° F. In the in-between years (2007-2010 - after DPF but before DEF) the exhaust gas recirc lowered EGT and regens were required more often, but after DEF they cut down on the EGR and the engine exhaust itself ran hotter. So it's not a DEF regen cycle but a DPF regen, kicked off by back pressure caused by the diesel particulate filter (DPF) getting plugged up with carbon.
  • 48,000 miles on mine and never seen a regren light on the dashboard

    I assume you have had to add DEF over the time you have had it