Forum Discussion

bounder35's avatar
Dec 01, 2016

Def Tank Guage

I have just purchased a 2011 Discovery 40 X and was looking to see if there is a gauge to find out the level of your def tank. I the previous owner did not know. He just refilled it after each trip.


  • I've known people do it after every trip. The thing is, you can't always trust fill gauges on RV's so it may be wise to do it or at least top it off.
  • We had the same model as your Discovery and it was on the dash 4 bars that light us when full to that level. I never relied on it and had it figured out to fill the DEF on every 4th fill up.
  • I have a gauge on the dash - it is 4-5 vertical bars - I bet you have it too if it is a freightliner chassis
  • Should be a guage on the tank. The coach key has to be on for mine to read.