I will say I 100% believe your seat of the pants evaluation, and here's why; noise sounds and feels fast. Meaning, I think you'll find the V10 isn't as fast as it feels and the diesel isn't as slow as it feels. The excessive noise of the V10 makes it feel fast, the quietness of the diesel makes it feel slow.
Our current MH is actually quick off the line, but you have to pay attention. Diesels are drive-by-wire so there is a slight delay from the time you step on it until it reacts. Once it reacts you're all good.
Good point, and I thought the same thing for a while.
That may be the case with some rigs, but I am one that pays very close attention to acceleration, and I'm here to tell you, my experience is that diesels just do not accelerate the same, they are slower getting up to speed.
Definitely true that once it gets up to speed a diesel is muuuuch better at holding that speed on hills or whatever. No argument there. However, strictly in terms of acceleration and throttle response (which is what the original poster was asking)...Diesels fall flat on their face every time, when you really step on it.
Think of it this way: How many drag racers, where acceleration is most important thing, use diesel?
Oh yeah, your info on the exhaust brake is a bit flawed too. Yes, some only have an exhaust brake, many have a true Jake Brake. Look up the differences.
The gassers only have a transmission brake. The engine itself isn't controlling it, the transmission is.
Actually, your info there is a little flawed, too.
Gassers use vacuum in the intake to slow things down (and compression in the cylinders to some extent). The engine itself is doing the braking. There is no braking done in the tramsmission. Yes, the transmission when in tow/haul mode will down shift more when going down hill, forcing the engine to turn more RPMs, which means the engine generates more stopping power. Bottom line, though, is its the engine doing the braking, not the transmission.
Either way, I'm glad you're happy with yours and it's serving you well.
Ditto. My intention is not to 'dog' anyone else's coach, as someone else implied I was. I was just answering the specific question the original poster asked, based on my experience. That's all, its not anything personal. :)