down home wrote:
DutchmenSport wrote:
We use Gas Buddy all the time for Diesel. Never had a problem. I've never joined anything there. If you are using Gas Buddy on your cell phone / I-phone, do you have your phone settings to prevent internet applications from using your phone's GPS? Maybe that's what's going on?
I don't know what the problem is. I do have cookies blocked though.
Murphy Gas(Wal-Mart) also has a fuel app that will show their locations/prices as well and allow you to accumulate points. I think it's 1 gal/point and for every 100 points equals .10 cents off per gallon max 20 gallons at a time. Might help a little bit.
Anyway, you have to make sure that location services are turned on for the app to work and the GasBuddy app has option where you can look for only a certain type of fuel.