Forum Discussion

KampingKris's avatar
Nov 28, 2015

direct tv

This sat issue is confusing at best.
We have cable at home.
We can get a pretty good deal to switch to Direct. Will need a portable antenna as our kingdome is being phased out (or so we are told) And we're not ready to invest in "the traveler" yet.
But no HD to go with that lovely new TV we installed. And then there's the local channel issue... I believe that when we ask to have the locals changed, our DD at home will be out of luck.

Then there's Dish pay as you go option. Since we seem to travel every month, don't believe the option of turning it off is going to be used very often. But then, it's HD...a nice bonus. Not sure if the smallest package includes the "affiliates."

So... back to direct again...

  • Kris, your rooftop KingDome will work just fine with DirecTV. Only issue is you'll only get standard def as the KingDome is not set up for HD. To us, it's no biggie as we feel HD is way overrated. We pay an additional $15/mo for the West Coast DNS feed for locals. You can get either East or West Coast now due to FCC regs. You used to be able to get both but now it's one or the other. We carry a remote dish for those times when we are parked under tree cover.....Dennis
  • DSDP Don wrote:
    For us, the local channels really aren't a big loss. We still get the west coast feeds of ABC, CBS and NBC no matter where we're located.

    That is because you are lucky enough that your home locals are one of the DNS feeds. Those of us not lucky enough to get LA or NY as our home locals lose all of them, ABC, CBS and NBC included.
  • We've had DirecTV for years and like the RECEPTION we get. The HD quality is the best, especially compared to most cable companies, many of which are only giving you 720p, compared to 1080.

    For us, the local channels really aren't a big loss. We still get the west coast feeds of ABC, CBS and NBC no matter where we're located. We lose three local stations we rarely watch. There are a couple of shows we watch/record on the local stations, so they are there (recorded) when we get home.

    Many like to move their receivers from the house to the RV to save money, but for us, $10.00 a month for an HD DVR that stays in the motor home is worth it. We keep movies stored on the motor home unit, so we have additional movies to watch while on the road. We don't buy any of the movie channels, but when DirecTV offers a free weekend, I'll turn on the motor home DVR and record movies I like.

    Tidbit...Some may not know this, but if you're in an area where you don't get reception while camping, you can still turn on the DirecTV DVR and watch the movies you have saved.
  • Directv customer for 20 years. I just dropped them and went with DISH for $50/mo for 24 mos. You can get HD with a movable unit VUCUBE, which I hear is more reliable than Tailgater.
  • The DW and I have been Direct free for 2 years now and have actually enjoyed it. The standard antenna on the RV picks up HD channels (locals) where ever we are assuming we are not in a hole. Plus almost every RV park we visit has some form of cable hook up. Granted this last one this weekend had an okay reception, but still had 10 channels plus all the major networks.
    I have not missed the payment to watch TV. Was with Direct for more than 20 years and could have purchased a nice car with what I paid them.:R

    We also put together the connection needed to watch movies from the iPad to TV and that works nicely.

    There are several option out there depending on your needs and wants. Good luck with whatever you decide.
  • You are right about locals. If you have them transferred, anyone at home loses them. Also, unlike Dish, Directv will only transfer them about twice a year.

    Also, keep in mind that the Trav'ler is not a portable. If you are parked under trees, you will have no reception. You may need a 3 LNB Slimline dish on a tripod for those occasions.

    I don't know of an automatic portable that does Directv HD. With a little practice, though, the manual dish I mentioned above is not THAT hard to aim.