I would contact the selling dealer and ask them to put you in contact with the factory rep in your area. Between him , you and the selling dealer , they might be able to work something out. If the dealer wont help you, then you contact the mfg directly.
It would be in your advantage if there was some wiggle room in the negotiated selling price. If they made enough profit on your rigs sale , some dealers will take care of a repeat customers complaints. If you haggled them down to that thin profit line , then their is no financial room for the dealer to help you.
If they cant help, then you have to find someone that knows what they doing for repairing it.
Sunseeker uses Azdel on its sidewalls. It might be not as bad a repair.
I have not used Northside but have heard good things about them. Syracuse is not too far from you. It might be worth the trip to have them estimate the job.