Forum Discussion

holstein13's avatar
Jan 24, 2015

Do you flash people?

A while ago, I noticed that truckers often flash their headlights when a vehicle has signaled that they want to change into their lane and they have passed the truck. I'm assuming this meant, go ahead and change lanes now. I hope it doesn't mean, "By no means should you change lanes now."

This turned out to be pretty useful for me when I first started driving my motorhome. I was new to Class As and it was nice to have confirmation that I could safely switch lanes so I began to do it myself whenever I saw someone with their turn indicator on as they were passing me.

The next thing I noticed was that some of the truckers I had flashed were flashing their brake / parking lights at me. I'm assuming to say thanks. Again, I hope it means that.

I liked the gesture but I couldn't figure out how to flash my brake / parking lights to say thanks to those who signaled me. I tried tapping the brakes, but that would slow me down and take me out of cruise mode and I even tried turning on and off my headlights, but I'd end up flashing my headlights and I didn't want to do that so I gave up.

Then I got my diesel pusher and, lo and behold, there were two buttons on the steering wheel. One on the left for flashing my headlights and one on the right for flashing my brake / parking lights. (Imagine the hallelujah chorus at this point)

I had no idea that there were dedicated buttons for this on big rigs. So my question to all of you is, do you flash people?

(Keep it clean guys, I'm talking about lights here.)