Effy wrote:
donfrump wrote:
sdianel wrote:
from modmyrv.com: The standard analog thermostat found in most RVs doesn’t control the A/C and furnace with much accuracy. The “set” temperature is not always the temperature the thermostat cycles, which results in as much as a +/- 5°F temperature change before the A/C or furnace cycles on or off. This is known as the hysteresis of the thermostat. For example, if you have the furnace set at 72°F, this could mean the temperature would fall to 67°F before cycling on and rise to 77°F before cycling off! These temperature swings aren’t very comfortable so what to do? The digital thermostat mod of course. Analog thermostats have what’s called a mechanical heat anticipator, which essentially tells the thermostat when to cycle. Some anticipators are more accurate than others but for the most part are not very good at controlling temperatures accurately. The digital thermostat is much better at temperature control since it controls its hysteresis using electronics to within +/- 1°F degree of accuracy.
This mod is commonly performed using the Hunter brand residential thermostat. It’s cheap and very straightforward to install. Other residential thermostats can be used but this one seems to be the most popular. Just be sure the thermostat you select is battery powered.
We have not done this modification, we just got used to the fact that there are variances in the temperature and set the thermostat accordingly.
not sure what your point is but the OP already has a digital 5 program thermostat with remote sensors
The point is that the dometic or coleman mach stats that come with the units are junk. The only way to get a reliable one is to install your own.
But you missed my point also.their post talks about analogue stats ?? the OP has a digital that's why iam not sure why they brought up the article on the analogue stat. ???
mine is a Rv Comfort.ZC(coleman) digital with remote sensors and very accurate
one sensor in the middle of the ceiling in the front living/kitchen area and one in the middle of the bedroom area