Find a gear and road speed that KEEPS YOUR SPEED IN EQUILIBRIUM-- you are neither speeding up nor slowing down.
Doesn't matter it the road is dead straight, if a steep grade, that speed may be 15 MPH and 1st gear.
If you have to use the brakes (brake pedal) do so firmly and long enough to drop to the next lower gear.
And, if hydraulic brakes, it is CRITICAL that your brake fluid is fresh. Fresh brake fluid boils at over 450 degrees F. Hydrated/old brake fluid boils below 260 degrees F. Boiling brake fluid= substantially reduced braking. Easy to check. Open the master cylinder and check the color. New brake fluid is absolutely clear-- like water. It darkens as it absorbs moisture (which it does to keep the ferrous metal brake components from rusting). Light tan may be OK in the short term-- darker IS NOT.