Just so you're aware, practically all of what are advertised as class B+ units are really small class C motorhomes that happen to not have an overcab bunk. They are not built within a van body as is a class B, but are living quarters bolted (or rather welded) onto a cutaway chassis. That means they handle and are maintained and are as readily (or not) parked as a similar sized class C motorhome that is marketed as such.
That's not to suggest that it really matters much what the marketers call the unit that fits your needs, of course; just don't imagine that a so-called class B+ has very much at all to do with a class B. (I think maybe I'll start calling my class C a "Class A-," now that I think of it. That way maybe I could get into those class-A only RV resorts, assuming I cared to do so....)