Forum Discussion

Jayco-noslide's avatar
Apr 29, 2017


Not sure if this should be in Class C or Vans, B+'s etc. Just curious how many of you have gone from a MH or 5th wheel in the 30 to 35 ft. range to 1 of the newer European style motor homes around 23 ft. or so. The ones either on a Sprinter chassis or with the Mercedes diesel engine or Dodge V-6. These seem to be getting popular and they are certainly cleverly designed but man they are small. Some have a slide, some not. The mileage, and driveability seem tempting. Do you tow a dinghy or just drive the RV? How do you like it and how hard to downsize? One thing that bothers me the most is the cost ($$ per cubic ft. of space). We paid $23,000 for a 2003 30 ft. Class C and seems like you can't touch one of these small ones under $50,000 even used? I know I would love to drive one but that we would feel super cramped and lack tank size, refrig. space, etc.
  • We had a class Class A but found it too limiting as to where it could go handily. We thought the B vans were the way to go so we bought a Pleasureway Excel on a Ford E350. We found it a very well built rig but just too small. Moving about was difficult for two. We never bumped our heads that much in our life. The shower was a nightmare. We sold it but still wanted a smaller sized rv because we liked the maneuverability. We wound up buying a Coachmen 2350. We know what Goldilocks felt like now when she found the one that was "just right".

  • I sold my 42 foot Foretravel and ordered a 26 foot Born Free. I ordered t on a pickup chassis a dodge 5500 so it will be 29 foot overall. I looked at the sprinters and their 11k rating was too much of a compromise to use as a motorhome. Towing was reduced as was carrying capacity. I decided to downsize after 16 years and 360,000 miles. The mile per gallon was not important but the ease of use and where I can go was the deciding factor. I looked at earthroamer but could not see myself getting that far off the beaten trail and they were not comfortable enough inside so I compromised and got the Born Free on the 4x4 chassis with dual alternators fuel tanks and solar.
  • Why do you want to downsize?

    I think they're way over priced for what you get. You mentioned fuel milage. It will probably be an improvement over a Class C, but unless you're doing 30,000 miles or more a year, how much are you really going to save?

    Increased insurance cost on a new and more expensive rig over your Class C will eat up any fuel savings.

    I still wouldn't travel without a toad - wouldn't be able to put up with disconnecting everything to go to the store for a can of tomato paste (had to go for one in the Jeep yesterday).

  • We went from a house to a Class C @ 27ft.

    We looked very seriously at the Sprinter sized units. Even looked at the used Sprinter market to weigh out building our own.

    1. Too small
    2. Going that small is big $$
    3. Too small

    All the pro's and con's laid out the units have serious pro's lined up in the column. However, the money to fun ratio, for ourselves, was found lacking.

    My $0.02