RambleOnNW wrote:
KristinU wrote:
Bordercollie wrote:
Again, I'm stating a humble opinion, but if you are trying to travel winding roads, especially with grades, at the same speeds as the local yokels in their sedans and pickups, you are risking loss of control on a curve with deadly consequences. Abide by the road caution signs and pull off only when safe and let the parade pass you by. Many of those riding your rear bumper are just young and impatient and have never driven box truck or RV.
Amen to this!
Here's a real-life example...on the way to coast a couple of months back, 55 MPH speed limit on curving road, 45 MPH curves. 15 vehicles ahead a Class C is doing 40-50 MPH for an extended period of time. When that RV finally pulled over I continued on with the traffic and did not pull over. I'm comfortably doing the speed limit within the chain of cars, so no reason to pull over.
I'm with Bordercollie etc. I was just traveling in OR and other 55 MPH marked highways. At nearly no point on these highways was auto traffic actually moving at 55 mph. It was moving closer to 65-70 MPH in most areas including 55 mph winding roads. I drive one the lightest lowest profile w/ handling upgrade class C rigs out there on E450. It could not comfortably (for me) keep up with auto traffic at real world speeds on curving roads posted 55 MPH. Even if it did would I really want the G forces rearranging the contents of every cabinet and cupboard? Keeping up with cars involves more acceleration out of corners and braking into corners vs. what I like to do with heavy RV for efficiency sake. So much better to come to peace with a reasonable pace and slow down and enjoy the ride.