..Reminds me of many, many years ago, when we used to camp with a Dodge Durango and popup trailer. One time when DW was driving, she insisted she could make it through a McDonald's drive-thru. I told her she'd regret it, probably should have stopped her. But, I decided to let her learn the hard way (and hope she didn't tear anything up!)
Anyway, soon as she came around the turn after placing our order, she quickly realized why this was not a good idea, haha. Couldn't quite make the turn without dragging the side of the popup against a wall (she hadn't learned yet to swing wiiiiide in those situations). Fortunately, she stopped and realized it was hopeless (before any damage was done). After several iterations of backing up, re-positioning, and creating quite the show for any on-lookers....Finally, she got it lined up and on through the drive-through without a problem. I remember the employees there having a good laugh about it, too. :)
Neither of us ever tried that again. With the 36' class A we have now, I rarely even try to go into a PARKING LOT of any fast food joint, let alone their drive-thru! Fortunately, don't need to anymore, since we have all the food we need right there in the MH with us. :)