Forum Discussion

rwbradley's avatar
Jun 26, 2015

Drive Thru miscalculation

I saw this on Facebook this morning, apparently someone decided to try to navigate a Tim Horton's drive thru in Colbourn Ontario Canada this morning in a Class A with a Toad and did not make it.

When I saw it I just lost all words... there is really nothing to say. Hopefully this is the right forum to post it to as I did not see a Duh what was I Thinking forum. Anyone who thinks us Canadians are smart clearly has not been in a Tim Horton's drive thru.
  • I have only done a Duh what was I thinking once (knock on wood). A Tim Horton's near Quebec City with a 21' trailer (not drive thru). It looked like it had a big lot in the back and looked like it looped around the other side. Well it had a big lot in the back, not big enough to turn around in though and did not loop around. I had to back out onto a busy street. Luckily (or unluckily) there was another trailer (around 30') who also fell into the same trap. We ended up helping each other back out.
  • In 11 years I only chose to go down the wrong road in my A around 4 times.

    I feel for the owner in that picture because it ain't fun getting yourself out of 'situations'.
  • Pretty stupid move. Hopefully they figured things out before there was any damage. At minimum the Toad would have to be disconnected and the MH backed out...