Here is a thought.
So you fill up the tank and drive ever notice wet spots where the overflow is? I had a tank that would ALWAYS lose 1/3 from sloshing around from driving. get to your spot and your automatically 1/3 down.
Try checking your gauge at certain intervals and especially from the time you fill to the time you get to your spot. if its down you have your answer.
several other things can contribute keep your pump off unless using if you hear it run up every once in a while. You have a leak or drain on the system.
The solution I came up with was a pen cap and a one way valve like what is found on a dirtbike gas cap.
Air can come in but no water can escape. When filling water you simply remove the cap. THIS COMPLETELY stopped the 1/3 drain from the overflow as they are nearly level and the sloshing will let it run out the overflow losing not just a little but 1/3 before you start using water.
I've moved on to a new to me rv that has the same problem as i think ALL of them do this. The overflow says your full when water pours out but it doesn't magically stop coming out when your going up hills and sloshing around
Filling slow is not necessary once it shoots water out the overflow you know its full but only temporary until you come up with a solution to stop the over flow from siphoning off 1/3 of your tank.
a 30 gallon tank should EASILY last a weekend and longer being somewhat conservative a single person can be wasteful with water and a shower and still go 3-4 days
Overflow draining your tank is the answer you can't see it happening but it is when your driving.
air needs to push out filling with water and air needs to come in using the tank nothing is stopping the water from running out the overflow tube or better yet the air inlet/outlet tube. its necessary to have this or the tank will rupture from suck or blow.
The only way to fix this is get the overflow significantly higher then the tank as most are level or even lower then the top of the tank or put in a one way valve that is removable only allowing air to come in when using the tank but also can be removed when filling the tank with water.
On my old rv the back where the water hatch was was ALWAYS wet then I finally figured out what was going on. On my new rv it has 3 overflows and i can literally see spray or mist when it rolls yaws or wind hits the rig in the mirrors. I just got it an this is on my list to fix right now!