Forum Discussion

dcason's avatar
Jan 14, 2020

Dually Valve Stems

Our Class C has dually wheels.
Hubby can get to them (with difficulty) to air up...but he has huge hands and there is cussing and spitting to get some air in our class c. I tried it (much smaller hands) and it is a pain. Any ideas on this. The valve extension reviews are not good (leakage).
  • FYI, not all braided extenders are pressurized. The unpressurized extenders are a viable solution if you have metal valve stems on the wheels. If you use the extenders with rubber valve stems, the valve stems are prone to failures.
  • The ones you need are from Borg AKA Your Tire Supply. Dually Kit

    They will look like this. They are cheaper than the ones linked above and come from the company that was one of the original makers of longer valve stems for Class C Duallys. I have a set from another vendor that was the original maker of them and have been on my Class C for over 10 years with no leaks or problems. You can Check the pressure on all tires in a matter of minutes.

    Valve stems

    DO NOT put the braided extenders on, they will leak and if they come loose from their mount on the wheel they will cause a catastrophic air loss.
  • I have standard valve stems, I installed valve stem caps that cover the stem yet allow air to go into the tire and use long reach air chuck and tire gauge.
    No problem.
    Add a drop of paint pen on the rim where the inside stem is so you know where it is.

  • One route to go on getting curved stems installed:

    I got mine here: If you call them at 714-642-3646 they will know the exact curvature you need etc and will ship them to your door. You may save a few bucks shopping around but this was sure handy for me. The hardware I got included the rubber inserts to stabilize the longer stem so no worry with installing a tire pressure monitor sensor at that location.

    As enblethen posted, any truck tire shop will install them. I used Les Schwab............. about $85 IIRC.

    One of the downsides: The inside dual will have a valve stem that is too long for spin balancing. I just installed Centramatics on the rears but you could have the tire shop use beads.

    Good luck with the upgrade...... and save travels to ya.

    You will be very happy with the results.
  • In my experience, the only ones that are a real pain are the outside ones with the stems pointing towards the BACK of the wheel pair.

    That is a convention copied from tractor-trailers so that any wheel/tire can be used in any position......and one spare can be used for ALL of them.

    On an RV that is ridiculous.
    I have mine modified with a short, straight stem on the two outside tires.
    That eliminates about 90% of the problem.

    So, then you can not switch that wheel to the inside of a pair.
    So what......BIG DEAL. I can't see a good reason that you would NEED to do that anytime.


    P.S. My "truck" tire shop thought that was an unusual request.
    I told them "IF you can tell me any good reason that is NOT a good idea, then I will leave them alone."
    They changed them out......and agreed it was a good idea for an RV.

    P.S.S. Before that I tried valve stem "extensions" and they CAUSED tires to go flat twice before I threw them away.