Forum Discussion

pompomgirl's avatar
Nov 15, 2014

Duo Therm Thermostat Issue?

Last night, at 25 degrees outside, we were running our Duo-Therm on furnace mode. At 2 a.m., I woke up very hot and went into the living room area to turn down the thermostat. No matter how low I turned it, the furnace wouldn't cycle off. Finally I just turned the whole thing off. Woke up DH, who went outside and looked at the heater, and all seemed fine - no overheating or any other noticeable issues. After a while, we turned it back on and it worked fine. Cycled on and off normally for a half hour and we went back to bed. This morning it was still fine.

Has anyone else experienced this? Could it be any sort of furnace problem? Is it a precursor to the thermostat going out? Any other explanations? Thanks.
  • A couple of RV's ago, I had a Duo-therm thermostat do the same thing. The contacts controlled by the bi-metal coil had welded together. I was able to separate them and dress the contacts with a matchbook striker, allowing the furnace to operate normally until I could locate a replacement. In our newer RV's, I've replaced the mechanical thermostats with Honeywell digitals as one of the early changes I make as soon as we get them.
  • yep, sounds like a thermostat going, had to replace mine last year and put a digtal one in with a new control box.
  • That was the first thing DH said. I had given it PLENTY of time to cool down. I was roasting to the point of sweating while he slumbered on, and the thermostat was set to 63. It's a standard Duo-Therm thermostat. I wouldn't be surprised if that is the case - lots of things on this coach date back to 1997. We got it with three smoke/CO detectors, and they were dated 2014, 2010, and 1997 (the one over the bed, argh). The 1997 one has been replaced.
  • It does take some time for the furnace to cool down before the fan will shut off.
    Does the thermostat work both the AC units and furnace?
    You could have a failing thermostat. Remove the cover and see if you can find make and model of the thermostat.
    Some thermostats can be reset by removing the fuse.
  • The blower will not go off immediately and will run until furnace bonnet reaches a set temperature allowing it to cool down.