Forum Discussion

Berkyeng's avatar
Jun 29, 2021

Dometic Duo Therm AC issue

Hi All

For background I have a 2009 Berkshire 390BH DP Class A. It has dual Duo Therm ACs.

I’ve been having a problem at temps over about 30C. When it gets hot outside, my front AC will shut down. The 5 button DuoTherm Comfort Control thermostat will go “blank” for Zone 1 (still shows the zone numbers on the bottom). The rear AC continues to function and Zone 2 is still accessible. Once this week, with the extreme heat, both ACs went out with both Zone 1 and 2 going blank. Once the outside temp goes down and the direct sun is off the units (night time) things go back functioning well and the 2 ACs nicely cool my motor home.

My RV dealer suspects a communication issue, but I beg to differ and believe this to be heat related (outside temp). Thoughts? Is there a thermal relay on the motor that shuts the system down?

I have blown out / cleaned out the outside fins and the components seem relatively clean considering the motor home is 12 years old.

Thoughts on additional troubleshooting I can do on my own? Otherwise will be making a trip to the dealer for service.
