If the RV is stream lined as some are you will see better gas milage, most "C" with the cab over will get less milage, there are a couple of air dams that prevent the rig to move smothly trough the air stream.
The first is the semi flat cab over that meets the air stream head on and tries to send it up where it meets all the vent covers, air conditioner, satelite domes, tv antena, etc.
Then you have the air stream going under the overhead being pushed down and to the sides of the cabin where it meets the flat portion of the house trying to spill over and mixing with the air that is being displaced by the hood and fenders of the RV, all of this needs more power to move the RV and more power means more fuel consumed.
On the "C"'s that are streamlined, the air is pused aside rather that being stopped by flat panels, so there is less wind resistance, that is what makes the diference in gas milage, ever carry a 4 x 8 sheet of plywood and battle the wind, same thing happens with the RV.