John & Angela wrote:
Our mechanic told us to watch the temps and to take the tire off if the temp went above 220 regularly and 240 in extreme once in a while type conditions. Both our engine and trams temps are staying around 200 (a little less for the tranny) except on extremely long hills. Like the coquihala connected between kelowna and Merritt. Then the motor rises to 210 where the fan comes on, then drops to about 195 where the fan kicks off and then repeats. The tranny temp never seems to go over about 205 even on the hotter days. I'll post the picture again so you can see how much of the grill is covered. It may help in gauging the effect de sus planes.
Yep .... Ford got their V10 engine & transmission cooling systems right!
I've owned both Dodge and GMC pickup trucks ... and both made me nervous in hot weather with their temperature rises.
Our E450 Ford V10 motorhome engine has so far (~42,000 miles) stayed cool as a cucumber in all situations - climbing high altitude grades in hot weather (Eastern Wyoming) and in low altitude grades in hot weather (Death Valley). No need to baby the air conditioning either - run it full blast if needed ... that's the way engine cooling should be designed. In fact that is now a criteria in our selection of any new (to us) vehicle - what is it's reputation for cooling system design?