Forum Discussion

jseines's avatar
Nov 08, 2013

E40D Fluid Change

I just purchased a 1995 Class-C motorhome and now in the process of changing all the fluids for a fresh start...motorhome is a Ford E350, 460eng with a E40D tranny, 67031 miles...I plan to use synthetic for all, for the engine I replaced using Mobil 1 and looking for information what to use for the tranny...the dip stick calls for Mercon where I understand is no longer produced, my auto parts store recommends Dex/Mer...I'm also hearing Mercon V is ok but also reading where some are saying not to use...When I drop the fluid I will replace the original pan with a deep pan with plug and temp sensor...looking for ears work...thanks for a great forum...Cheers/John
  • I recently put Mobil 1 ATF in mine and it meets Mercon and Mercon V specs.
  • My Ford dealer is servicing the E4OD with Mercon V. The fluid is not cheap. I expect it to hold up longer than the original spec fluid, which is no longer licensed, but you can still get Dex/Merc that meet that spec.

    Not quite related, where Ford had been using earlier Mercon specs in manual transmissions, that one has changed to a synthetic gear lube, not Mercon V. Synthetic gear lube is also not cheap. Probably the same issue as transfer cases.
  • I have the E40D that is supposed to be a weak link in the drive train but my transmission Guru here in Mesa who repaired the tranny in the Flintstone car said if you change the fluid before the recommended time it will run forever. With my initial change that I did myself I ask everyone in the know about the type of fluid to use. Synthetic or not. Everyone from Ford service techs on down said to use only Dex/merc. Transmissions after 1997 can use synthetic, Mercon V..
    For what it's worth.. .
  • Mercon-V is just a sythetic version of the old Mercon. Ford says you can use it in any transmission where Mervcon was used, you just cannot use it in Transfer cases.
  • Hi,

    Check with a Ford heavy truck dealership--or with a transmission shop.