msmith1199 wrote:
I'm heading for the big EAA airshow this year. We took the motorhome back in 2009 and I just stayed in the open field area. We were only staying three days then so it was no big deal. But we're both retired now so I want to go this year and stay for the entire show. I'd like to get one of the full hookup sites, but per the webpage they don't become available until the end of June. Anybody been to Airventure recently and been able to get one of the full hookup sites? I'm guessing it's going to be one of those deals where you have to be on the phone the second they become available and just hope you get through.
Good question. I'd be interested in the answer as well. I haven't been since my late teens and early twenties when I used to fly in with my dad, and my uncle who was Technical Editor or Private Pilot Magazine at the time. We used to drop right in a Cessna 206 with Robertson STOL modifications which then came became part of the Robertson display.