The fans, engine driven or electric are designed to maintain a temperature range for the engine to operarte properly, changing one for a unit that does not move a volume of air at the same ratio or speed can and probablly will cause damage to the engine components, melting of plastic encased sensors, melting of wiring looms, overheated radiator hoses and coolant sensors, overheated transmission oil, this leads to a premature failure, overheated fuel lines since the fuel that is not used by the injectors is returned to the fuel tank, this will shorten the life of the fuel pump, and last but not least an increase in the amount of heat on the dog house in the cabin.
This is definitlly not a good idea, we have travelled in our C with the V-10 engine in temperatures of 110 plus in California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas without any loss of power pulling the toad, the engine and fans maintained the temperature very stable, even going up hill in some steep grades.