Forum Discussion

Mark_A's avatar
Oct 29, 2014

electrical and brakes

Hello, i have a 2000 kit roadranger 5th wheel. I recently discovered that the driver side turn signal and brake light does not work. I do have tail light.I replaced the bulb. It still does not work. Also it seems that i dont have trailer brakes when stepping on the brake peddle. . I do have trailer breaks when i manually engage the brake controller.. has anyone have any suggestions how i can correct this? Where do i start? Thank you, Mark
  • Thank you for the welcome. I apologie for posting in the wrong area. I guess for now i will start with a test light and volt meter. Trace wires. And double check the fuses.. Thank you, Mark
  • Welcome to!
    Look for a blown fuse under the hood on the driver's side wheel well fuse panel.
  • Ivylog's avatar
    Explorer III
    Welcome to the forums. You should have posted under 5 ers, not Class A. Fix your brake light problem and then the trailer brakes should work.
  • Mark A wrote:
    Darsben, thank you for your reply. . So i need to start with testing at the plug on the truck? Test each terminal and check wires? I have a 2003.5 dodge ram 3500. Is there any chance of a blown fuse?

    Assuming the brake controller is aftermarket and depending on the brake controller I guess you could have a bad brake light switch. You did not mention that the brake lights not working so I guess the real first step is determining the type brake controller you have and whether the brake lights on the truck function.
    Some brake controllers rely on the brake light current to activate the brakes on the trailer. The making of the brake light switch causes current to flow, the brake controller sensing the current and makes a relay sending power to the trailer brakes.
    So that connection should be checked.

    I do not see a fuse causing the problem.
  • Darsben, thank you for your reply. . So i need to start with testing at the plug on the truck? Test each terminal and check wires? I have a 2003.5 dodge ram 3500. Is there any chance of a blown fuse?
  • Multiple failures lead me to believe one of two things;
    1) Somewhere you have a connecton from the truck to 5er that s bad. You need to check at the plugin to see if you get electric to the truck side of the plugin. Use a VOM have someone step on the brake while you check for voltage. Repeat for turn signal
    2) Less likely is a bad ground