Okay, I took some pics. The red wire on the top right is hot, all of the other bolts or terminals are hot except for the bottom right one that has 2 red wires attached to it. This is the one that I jumped with a hot lead and "voila", I had power to the coach. The power was right on amp wise at the fuse box inside of the coach. I used the top row, center bolt, to make the jump. Could the bottom right bolt just be dead? This little box is built in to the cover and I see no way to take it out. It is approximately 4 inches wide, maybe an inch and a half high and about a 1/2 to 3/4 inch thick. This whole box is mounted to the firewall.
Okay, I have tried to send the photos, but I can't quite figure it out. I CAN send them in an email if that is okay. If it is, just post your email address or send me an email at bplotnic@gmail.com and I will send the photos.