Forum Discussion

offroadpowerspo's avatar
Jun 24, 2013

Engine Down! Cummins ISB

I am new to the forum so I will start with a little history. I have a 2008 Fleetwood Discovery 40X with the 350HP Cummins/Freightliner Chassis. Purshased the RV from Chicago area (I am from Georgia) only because I could not find the floorplan this coach offered anywhere. I have 2 queen beds and one full when everything is set-up and can drop the table in the u shaped booth for another bed if needed. I could not find this in any other coach so I bought this one. I have 3 kids one 17, 11, and 4. So I needed room for them and often times a friend. We love the bigscreen and I like that its not above me while driving.
Found out after long ride home that dealer had hidden smoke smell with Ozone machine. Also found that RV had been at some time infested with mice so I have battled to clean up and get rid of that smell too. All in all, I have fixed alot, cleaned up alot, and replaced alot to get it up to my liking. I am very picky. Even spent 4k fixing some crappy body work the dealer had done to fix some damage.
I flew a friend up who owns a diesel repair shop to look over it with me so nothing would go un-noticed. I negotiated a warranty into the deal. He, another friend and I loaded up and drove home. I had 3 sets of eyes on this thing and we missed alot.
Now, I have had the RV for 6 months and have been on several trips. We have put aproximately 6000 miles on it. On our way home from a week long camping trip in Tennessee, something let loose in the engine. Within a minute I had No Oil Pressure/Shut Off Engine Lights and buzzers and before I could get to the shoulder the engine was gone. Luckily, we made it safely accross 4 lanes of traffic in downtown Atlanta without a collision. Called 15 tow companies before finding one that would touch it. Finally after 4 hours on the side of I75 in downtown ATL we were in our Tahoe following the RV which was being towed. Finally made it home and in the bed around 5 a.m.
The engine will crank, but has no oil pressure and sounds like a bag of gravel is inside. Does NOT sound like a connecting rod or crank bearing. The technician listened to it and said it sounds like a broken gear. Also has no smoke, full of oil(just serviced), and no leaking.
Has anyone ever had a similiar issue with this engine? I really appreciate any input. Glad I have the warranty, because this could get expensive. Thanks in advance for input and sorry for the long story.
  • There is a lot more good news here than bad.

    First off no one got hurt.

    Second thing it can be fixed and/or replaced.

    Third thing it should be covered.

    Forth thing is you now have a good idea of where the noise was coming from.

    And should be fixed and up and running again soon. I would suspect it was a manufacturing defect from the start and the fix will outlast the coach.
  • It is possible that it has had some kind of a front gear train failure. The oil pump and fuel pump are both driven off of the timing gears. Unfortunately, if it has experienced a failure that would allow the camshaft to come out of time with the crankshaft, you may have damage to the valves.

    Good Luck
  • Also,if the engine is a 2008,it could still be under Cummin's 5 year warranty?

  • lfeather wrote:
    Cummins had a recall on one of their engines related to failure of piston wrist pins (or something like that). Call them with your engine serial number and ask about recalls or service bulletins on your engine.


    I think that was the Cummins ISL engine in 2007. Sorry for you problems. Let us know how it turns out.
  • Sorry for your troubles and hope it works out the best it can. Here are some of my thoughts:
    1. Buy Coach-Net roadside assistance. They would have dispatched a suitable tow company with one phone call and at no cost to you.
    2. Carefully read your "extended warranty" word for word and be sure you totally understand every provision, condition, and requirement.
    3. As previously mentioned, take meticulous notes not only before contacting the warranty company, but especially in every dealing with them.
    4. Operate under the assumption the warranty company will do everything possible in order to deny payment, which they almost certainly will do.
  • Cummins had a recall on one of their engines related to failure of piston wrist pins (or something like that). Call them with your engine serial number and ask about recalls or service bulletins on your engine.

  • Sorry to hear of your misfortune..! Doesn't sound good at all. Keep your fingers crossed and make sure you record every minute detail of the events leading up to the failure. I hope I'm wrong, but your warranty company probably will not be your friend here. Let us know what happened, and if possible, why...good luck...Dennis