It is not really to big and gives much more information than what the picture shows. You can get it to monitor your tires too as well as your temps. If you have a retarder that is important. Also it will print out the set cruse speed and your speed. I find I look at that more then the gauges as it has more information in a glance. I also noticed i was running a bit too hot when I looked at the history of the coach on the same trip. I also noticed my transmission was hotter then my engine at times when I was just running. I needed a new radiator and I got to pick the place rather then have it fail on me. I have looked at trouble codes and knew I could keep driving or if I had to head to a cummins facility. IT is a great tool and in the newer FTs they put in in the dashboard as a glass dash. I have the turbo boost as well as oil pressure and temp and mileage for the day and the tank and for the whole trip as well as other stuff that keeps us running smoothly.