I had similar problem with my '98 Safari diesel pusher ,two weeks ago .
New starting batteries ,,engine would crank but not fire . So called a service man to storage yard ,,he checked wiring and fuse voltage,,,,,no voltage at VIPR and ECM. Had unit towed one and a half mile , cost $437.00 .
Coach spent 7.9 hours in BMT shop ,Sidney B.C. ---- labor $790.00 ,,they checked and cleaned ECM and connection . Traced and checked wiring and found bad ground at ECM caused by terminal at batteries .they replaced one fuse for $7.11 . My total bill here on beautiful Vancouver Island came to $1500.35 after taxes .
I do hope some of this information is helpful and hope you don't get slammed with an unrealistic bill like this . The total experience has reall clouded my desire to rv any longer and am thinking of selling my Safari .
Good luck with your rig ,,,if it's electrical it can be the smallest thing like a dirty connection and the trick is to find it ,,,in a repair shop it can take hours .
In my case I guess that old saying is pretty true " there's a sucker born every minute ",,but once they tow you in there ,,,what choices do you have ?
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