Junior30 wrote:
Thanks for the replies. I will pick up the 2 step model first to see how that works out. The list of thing needed for an RV are endless.
Once i think i got it all, up pops something else.
And Hang on to your pocketbook because that part of RV'ing NEVER ends!:B
I know some of the class "A"'s are able to adjust the air bags to get the step to the right height
and was kinda hoping there was a trick to the class c to get it right. oh well step it is.
I think what you are missing here is you can get the 'actual RV' level but that does NOT mean that the steps will be the correct 'height above the ground'. Jack up the MH to level and the steps ARE going to be farther off the ground.
I.E you might be on real unlevel CG site and have to bring the front end up pretty high to get the "RV" level but what that does is make your steps be way off the ground when deployed and that 'last step' off being pretty steep. THAT is where the step stools do there job the first step might be down a little but the bottom one is always just right for the last step off to the ground.