Couple of thinks to check when it fails.
The steps have a light that will come on when the door switch is triggered. You won't notice the light except at night and it's usually orange/yellow. Made to help you see the steps. No light no door switch activation. Use it to half split the system for troubleshooting the system.
The steps are usually but not always powered off the chassis or engine battery. You will need to extend the steps before disconnecting the chassis battery if disconnecting is part of you camping routine.
Final item is the ground wire and lug from the steps to the chassis. Needs to be clean, bright and shiny. The steps can be sensitive to a ground with a bit of resistance.
Beyond these quick checks you'll be getting into warranty areas. If they can't figure out the problem this time keep a video camera close and film it next time so you can add that to your demand to replace the steps.