becker wrote:
The entry steps on my motorhome have suddenly froze up..... they won't come out or attempt to move one way or the other..... they are very solidly in the "in" position. I get the feeling they are for some reason "just locked up".
Does anyone have a suggestion as to how I can get a "schematic" on these steps? It seems most of these steps operate about the same.
Any help will be appreciated.
Same problem here and just got done replacing my Kwikee motor with a power window model from Amazon. Now super smooth and super quiet and even more so than the original.
The procedure is to disconnect the two motor leads, either at it's connectors or if none present inside a little block maybe, then just cut them. Apply 12v with a couple of long leads and this can be from an onboard battery, a spare, or even your car. Reversing the leads will send the step the opposite way, so try both ways and stay out of the way. If it doesn't work, remove the four nuts holding the motor and drive ass'y and drop it down and inboard, so as to see, pull the cotter pin and remove the clevis bolt. Now to the bench for opening the gear drive and making sure it's not broken or jammed. Once free, apply power again and if it still won't run, match it up on Amazon and with a power window motor if possible for a substantial savings.