Well Sir,
We've owned (4) motor homes and three of them had automatic steps. To the best of my knowledge, there is no "over ride" that you can use to make these steps manually operate, in or out. You can, however, climb under there and remove the actuating arm from the motor gear box that connects to the rotating horizontal tube/arm of the steps and that will allow you manually pull the steps back under the coach and secure them there until you get a chance to investigate further on a possible repair.
Sometimes those gears get bound up in there and all it takes is to release that little "S" arm I told you about and then tap that gear box with a tiny hammer, around a 4 0z. ball peen. No guaranties here, just a possible remedy. Those motors work by resistance. There is no "limit" switch on either end to stop the motor when the steps are all the way out or, all the way in. So, while it could be the motor, it might be something binding that's causing that motor to stop.