Rich&Mar wrote:
I've written before about buying a class c, we've always had 5ers (3). I am shocked with the low miles on alot of these c's. It's not uncommon to see a 8 to 10 year old with 10 to 20 k miles. What goes?? Are they just to expensive to drive especially when gas was $4 a gal??
We bought our motorhome new in April of 2009, so it is almost 6 years old. It currently has 24,000 miles on it. Most of our camping trips are within 300 miles of home. We've only taken maybe a dozen trips over 500 miles (one way). No trips over 1,000 miles (one way).
When we first bought the motorhome, gas was in the $2.50/gallon range. We put on a lot of miles that first year, almost 10k. When gas went above $3.50/gallon we stayed closer to home. We found we really enjoyed the parks closer to home and have stayed with it.
Not everyone buys a RV so they can take long trips. I know folks that rarely drive more than 100 miles to go camping. They are weekend warriors and they don't want to spend half of their weekend driving to the campground.
As long as I am happy with the price out the door, the dealer can charge me whatever line item they want to. Some dealers lump everything into the selling price while others like to break everything down.