I would guess that the larger the MH, the more mileage it will have on it - just doesn't seem logical to spend $100K+ on a MH only to drive it 1,000 miles or less a year. Folks who want big and aren't driving far, are probably more likely to buy a TT or 5er and get a second use out of the TV. Class B's are probably driven more because they are used as a second vehicle, to run errands, day trips, holidays at the relatives driving, etc. Class Cs are in between. Their cost is justifiable to use specifically for weekend and vacation trips only, and they are less likely to be driven around for errands, etc.
pnichols wrote:
It would be more informative if Class C's had a "camping-hours" meter built in.
Some folks drive a lot and camp a little ... other folks drive a little and camp a lot. The latter group will have used Class C motorhomes with low miles, but well-used interiors and appliances.
If house usage is the goal, then ALL RVs should have "camping-hours" meters built in. Whether it's a Class A, B, or C, a PUP, TT, or 5er, there is no way to tell how much the house has been used, regardless of whether there is a mileage meter.