Forum Discussion

dllong's avatar
Apr 28, 2016

Extended Service Plan

I am considering purchasing an extended service plan for my 2008 Itasca Navion. I received a quote from Good Sam's and would appreciate any reviews from those of you who use this plan or any other.
  • WE have been using a home appliance extended warranty company and had some repairs and replacements. They are starting to play games about providing repair service on our current built in microwave. Extended warranty companies are not in business to provide help, they want to make money. If you can get one before signing up, read the policy over very carefully looking for loopholes and proof of OEM scheduled paper work required when making claims. Generally it's better to keep money aside for repairs and replacements after original warranty periods on chassis and housebox content run out.
  • Maintain your rig with regular service intervals and self insure by putting money away for repairs. The reliability of engines and drive trains has improved so dramatically that seldom do extended warranties become necessary, there are some who pay large sums of money for "peace-of-mind" but I never understood that concept. With so many "non-covered" items just what in the heck are you paying for.....
  • had the Good Sam policy for 8 years. Fifty dollars a month, and never had to use it. Geesch! Hmmm, 600.00 a year for 8 years... $4,800.00... I should have put it in the bank!
  • Extended service plans are very profitable for the seller. Most people will be better off if they self-insure.
  • We have had the Good Sam warranty for a while now. He had it on our first TT and then transferred it to our FW.

    We used it twice on the TT before and the only issue we had was at the time was it took forever to get approved. Once approved it was just dropping it off and again waiting.
    But no charge to us either time and they were very helpful.

    Haven't had to use on FW so it's been over two years so times may have changed with processing speed.