down home wrote:
DrewE wrote:
down home wrote:
Also if by chance there is only a 15 amp breaker in the panel change it to a 20 amp.
DO NOT do this. The only reason there would be a 15A breaker in the panel is that the house wiring connected to it is 14 gauge wiring, and "upgrading" to a 20A breaker would be contrary to the electric code and arguably a fire hazard.
Who has a code allowing 14 gauge wire? You couldn't run but one plug in on it.
Our last home built in 1970 had 10 gauge solid wiring.
The National Electric Code permits 14 gauge wire (for 15A circuits), and several outlets on those circuits, for some areas of the house. 20A circuits seem to be a little more common around here (with 12 gauge wire), particularly for new construction, but by no means universal.
I had not previously heard of houses with 10 gauge wire being generally used for convenience outlets. That would be very rare indeed around these parts; the only time I can think of it being likely would be where there is a very long wire run to the circuit, say perhaps to supply a shed that's clear across the back yard.